Archive | January 2012

I’m in LOVE with these patterns!

Yep, totally in love with Jen’s patterns! The are so easy to follow. She puts references in there that a lot of designers don’t. Many just assume that you know how to do everything. Jennifer really wants you to succeed. Aside from notes and links, she’s always just an email away 🙂

So here are a couple more patterns that I have tested for her:

Lily Newsgirl Beanie

Katrina Cloche

I fell asleep last night on the couch, so I didn’t get everything done yesterday that I wanted to. I’m not going to beat myself up about it though. I’ve done more stitching in the last 2 weeks than I think I ever have! Today I finished yesterday’s dishcloth. Next I will be taking Little Man out for a walk to get some lunch (he REALLY needs some fresh air and some running!). I’m not sure if I’m going to have a nap today or not. I have been staying up late working, so I may set that as my schedule. It’s funny because I find it easier to stay up really late than I do to get up early and do the same thing. I REALLY want to get that sweater finished up. And I’ve had a few requests for some items. I love it!

On another note, I’ve received some comments in my Spam folder. I suspect they are spam. I just hope I haven’t deleted any legit ones. Some of the ones that I have been getting have talked about how they like my blog, but it seems really generic. I do apologize if you have commented and it’s been legit. If you want to make sure that your comments are included, please make sure they are specific to that particular post. SPAMMERS, YOUR COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED SO DON’T BOTHER WASTING YOUR TIME OR MINE.

Stitchin’ Up a Storm!

The title of this post reflects the weather here today. We’re getting blasted with snow, which I really don’t mind. It’s about time winter got here. It’s been really mild so far. There are some that SHOULD know better that decided to plow a rink on a lake with a municipality truck yesterday. Did I mention that it was that town’s fire chief? The police have said that the lakes aren’t safe yet, so…. I’m just going to scratch my head and be thankful for where I live!

If you check out my blog from time to time, you will probably notice that things have been awfully quiet around here. I really need to come up with a way to update my blog with a hook or needles in my hands! LOL

I’ve been keeping up with my Dishcloth-a-Day Challenge. I dropped off my first 5 on Tuesday! I’m almost half way done #11 🙂

Any new images I post are going to be watermarked after what I saw not too long ago on Facebook. I admit I spend quite a bit of time on Facebook (well, not as much these days!). I ran across this one business owner who had her images stolen by another page and the thief was claiming that the work was hers and that she had patterns for sale. The victim doesn’t use patterns, she does everything from her head. This thief has done this before where she has stolen others’ images and claimed the work for her own. She was contacted privately and nothing was done. So the victim went over to her page with a lynch mob because that was the ONLY way to get anything done. This poor woman was chastised by a group and some other people for doing so! I would have done the same thing if nothing was done! There were some other page owners that stood up for her. I thought that these were the kind of people I want to have at my back if somebody ever did this to me (God forbid!), so I “liked” their pages. Ironically, Jen, the woman I’m pattern testing for, was one of those that had her back 😉 So after this, watermarking all the way.

So speaking of pattern testing, I have crocheted more hats in the past week and a half than I ever have! Jen is cranking them out and doing a beautiful job! If you want to give it a whirl yourself, each picture is linked to where you can purchase the pattern 🙂


I will post more photos when I have time.

I have an order for a Strawberry Shortcake hat. I can’t wait to bust into that one! I HAVE to get that sweater finished first though. I’d better back away from the computer and pick up some needles 🙂

My first pattern: Easy Knit Ribbed Wrist Warmers

Easy Knit Ribbed Wrist Warmers


Set of four 5mm (8 US) double-pointed needles

1 ball of Red Heart Boutique Magical (Top Hat shown in picture)

Needle for sewing in ends

Please note: Given the nature of this yarn I did not use a gauge. The gauge suggested on the ball of yarn is 16 stitches/20 rows=4” using 5mm (8 US). Also, if you use the yarn listed about, the texture will vary and you will end up with a different look for each warmer

Size: 8” around wrist (With using the ribbing stitch, this will work with a wide range of wrist sizes. If this is too big, you just need to put on less stitches. I would suggest starting by cast on 1 less stitch on each needle)

Wrist Warmers (make 2)

Cast on 36 stitches (12 sts on three needles). Join in round. Mark beginning of round if desired

Round 1: K1, P1 to end of round

Repeat Round 1 for 9 1/2” or desired length

Thumb Opening:

On next round, cast off the first 4 stitches (32 sts remain). K1, P1 to end of round. Turn. (Do not join in round) K1,P1 to end of row (back to the 8 remaining stitches on the first needle). Turn.

Repeat these two rows once more (4 rows total)

K1, P1 to third needle. Knit in rounds from here on out. Cast on 4 stitches on the first needle at the beginning of the next round (there will 12 sts on the first needle again)

Complete rounds for 3” or desired length.

Cast off loosely. Sew in ends.

You may use this pattern to sell finished items as long as you provide a link back to my page (KARMA!). If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me at keepmeinstitchezAThotmailDOTcom You can also find my page on Facebook at and my blog at If there is a pattern you would like to see, knit or crocheted, feel free to contact me and I’ll see what I can do! (You will be given the first opportunity to be a tester for that pattern and will get it at no charge!)

Under the weather, but still stitching

The night before last, I had my behind handed to me via a stomach flu. I’ve also been experiencing a lot of acid reflux because there has been some garbage going on in my personal life. Acid reflux is my body’s way of protesting. Needless to say, I didn’t get that much sleep that night. Yesterday was pretty much a write-off, except that I did have my little man to myself all day 🙂

I didn’t get my dishcloth done yesterday. I do have that extra one that I have done, but I’m going to try to save it. My goal for today is to make two dishcloths, but if I get one done I won’t beat myself up.

I managed to get a pattern test finished for Crochet By Jennifer. This hat pattern is called the Gracie Beanie. It comes in sizes from newborn right up to adult. The size I tested fits me. And of course it’s purple!

Fits like a glove!

This was the first time I had ever crocheted cables. Jennifer explained it so well. The other thing I’m noticing about her patterns is how she includes links to various websites for stitches that people may be unfamiliar with. I can tell she really wants her customers to succeed at these patterns. It’s great to see somebody who genuinely cares like that!

The pattern isn’t released yet, but once it is, I will provide a link for it.

I’ve also tried my hand at writing a pattern myself. I decided that I wanted some wrist warmers made out of Red Heart Boutique’s Magical. They did have a pattern for gauntlets, but I didn’t like how it got looser up the arm. So I figured I would try to make my own. They are super easy, but hey, it’s experience writing a pattern, right? I’m hoping to get that posted today. I want to take pictures of the wrist warmers, but I’m not quite sure how to do that (my 3 1/2 yr old little man hasn’t quite developed his photographer’s eye yet. Oh, and I don’ really want him dropping my camera!). I’ll figure it out 🙂

Day Two… Still on Track!!!

Day 2!

I know it’s only been 2 days, but I’m still proud of myself for sticking to my guns! It’s not easy making a commitment like this. I’m seriously thinking of getting up early and making my dishcloth the first thing I do that day. If you can start off with completing something, then that’s a great way to set the tone for the day, isn’t it? To me, knitting is meditative. Hmmmm…

I have some exciting news! I have volunteered to be a pattern tester for Crochet by Jennifer. I’m working on a beanie and have a pair of booties on deck. She’s cool with us selling the projects we make as long as we give the designer credit. Very reasonable I think! So I’m helping her, but she’s also helping me keep motivated and build up my inventory. This is so awesome!

Well, I’ve got some work to do! I want to get going on those projects and work on this sweater that is way past due… I want to surprise the recipient because I think he figures I forgot about him 😉

Day One

Well, it’s the first day of a brand new year. With it, of course, comes resolutions. I posted mine yesterday 😉

One of them was my Dishcloth A Day Challenge. Mission completed for today!

I realize there are two there. I had the green one half way done, so I figured I would finish it before I started a new one (SEE!!!! Keeping up with the “finishing what I start” resolution too!). And then that way if I have to miss a day, then I’m covered. If I have time, I may try to bump it up to two a day… They certainly won’t go amiss! I’ve already had requests for January 1 to the 17th 😉