Archive | January 2014

This Little Piggy Met the Tooth Fairy

I am so blessed to have a very full order book right now! I guess there’s a reason though. I work hard around the clock and I put my heart and soul into everything I make. There are times though, life has a tendency to throw in some little curve balls where you have no choice but to deviate from the task at hand. But I don’t feel too guilty when I do have to do that because I spend a majority of my time stitching. If this were a traditional job, I would be putting in 60-80 hour work weeks for less than minimum wage. I justify what I do though by reminding myself that after an 8-hour day, I think I’ve earned the right to work on the projects I want to. Many times I just want to keep going with my orders anyway. But like I mentioned at first, things come up.

Last night my Sweet Pea was sitting in the tub, playing. He informed me that he had a loose tooth. I knew the day was coming because last week I noticed his adult tooth had grown in behind it. But I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that it could be coming out any day now! We tried dental floss, but it kept on slipping off his tooth. Then I took a page from the book of Da Mama… I remember one time she had grabbed on to my loose tooth and wouldn’t let go. She tried to get me mad at her. And then she told me to hit her hand. Hit it hard. I didn’t want to hit my Mama, but I did what I was told. And out popped my tooth. I remember the both of us laughing our heads off after that. I shared this story with my Sweet Pea and he decided he wanted me to do that. So I did. And in keeping with tradition, we laughed our heads off too.

The next thing that popped up was: What do we do with this tooth? I had a glass Tooth Fairy holding a little bag where I put my lost teeth. But do you think I could find her? I have a feeling there was a reason for that though… I think there was some Divine Intervention at play here. When I went to Ravelry to find a pattern for a Tooth Fairy pillow, I already knew which one he was going to pick. His beloved Grammie LOVES pigs. She collected them. So it was only natural that that is the one he chose. He told me that he thinks Grammie would love him.


The pattern for Preston the Pig can be found here.

When he went to school today, he was one proud, excited little boy!

I have noticed Bonita’s Patterns Crocodile Stitch Boots being posted all over Facebook recently. I actually have a pair to sell in my stash, so I’ve put this up on my Facebook page in hopes that they will find a new home soon.


Finally, I finished up a pattern test today for Crochet by Jennifer for her Diagonal Weave Diaper Cover. I am in LOVE with this texture!
Diagonal Weave 6-12

Now I’m off to spend a rockin’ Friday night finishing up some more Minion hats 🙂

Diagonal Weave Baby Bonnet

I just finished up a pattern test today. I LOVE the texture of this little hat! Jen’s on a roll with this stitch. As always, her patterns are clear and concise with photo illustrations as needed.

Diagonal Weave Baby Bonnet

This pattern is available from Crochet by Jennifer at this link:

I’m testing another hat with with this texture as well. I’m planning on having it done sometime tomorrow. Tonight is Minion time… I have a little guy going out on Tuesday. I also have a pattern test that I’m finishing up for a gorgeous wrap. I’ll post photos of it when I’m done too.

Got Energy Vampires?

Last night an internet troll decided to attempt to cause some problems on my Facebook page. It was clear that she was trying to start drama because if she wasn’t, she would have messaged me privately. I did type up a response to her. And then I deleted it. I don’t have the time or energy for losers like that. Mom’s passing is still pretty fresh on my mind and I would rather put my energy into trying to heal and move forward than get into a pointless battle with somebody who clearly has nothing better to do than troll peoples’ Facebook pages.

NOTE: The word “loser” is not one that I use often or use lightly. But when you go into somebody’s personal space like that to cause drama, that’s a label I will slap you with.

So after banning this person, I posted this:

If you’re planning on posting on my page with the intention of causing drama, just keep moseying along because you’re wasting your time. I will not tolerate it and you WILL be banned from posting. If you came into my store with those kinds of comments, you would be escorted out. It’s no different online. We don’t do drama here, plain and simple. Thank you.

A kind soul messaged me with some words of encouragement. One of the things she said was to not let the energy vampires drain my creativity. I told her I should make a garlic necklace. And I did.


I remember my Granny Girl telling me that the best way to retaliate when somebody is trying to pull you down is just put a BIG smile on your face. I get that now. It pisses them off that they didn’t succeed with their pathetic attempts at pulling you into their vortex of misery. And it also leaves them wondering what you’re up to next.

Tighty Whities

UPDATE: The pattern is now available for free at Simply Collectible Crochet. Click here for the pattern.

My little guy is obsessed with Despicable Me 2.If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll understand the connection with underwear LOL After the year we had, we needed all the smiles we could get on our Christmas Day. What better way than to add a pair of mini underwear to the Christmas tree?


His silliness inspired me to write the pattern up for it. It’s being tested right now. And with this pattern, a series of ideas came to me. So this one won’t be the last… hehehehe

Chaos is the New Normal

There has been a LOT that has happened in my life in the last 4 months. Two of which were part of my biggest nightmares. I’m not going to get into that right now. That’s not what this post is about. In time, I may share what has happened. Just please know that I’m okay and I’m dealing with it. I have literally had the rugged pulled from beneath my feet. ANYBODY would be feeling that way if they were to experience what I have for even just the last year.

No, this post is me. Thinking out loud. In the form of typing out loud.

I feel that I am at a crossroads with my fibre path. I have a LOT of people waiting for me to finish items for them. When each one contacted me, I was up front with them. I told them what was going on in my life. And if they wanted to wait, that would be wonderful. If they want to make other arrangements, I understand. I just can’t commit to a finish time with all that was going on. They didn’t mind. January is supposed to be a “dead” month in the Highlands. Not for me! Even when I “took time off”, it was still spent stitching. This good!

I have had 6 different people post or tag me in a photo of a hat that looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid hat. The ORIGINALS. (and on that note, it’s LANSDOWNE PARK and SKYDOME). The reality of it is that I really, really want to work on these hats. BUT with the order list I have, I don’t really have time to.

So this is my question:

Which path should I pursue? Do I stick to orders? Do I take less orders and work on more novelty items? (Charchar is ONE meow away from being “toast”…)

So in a nutshell, I have been operating at Ludicrous Speed since… Let’s just say it’s a long time. So that means that I don’t have the time to spare to write posts. I do think I’m going to post more photos of what I’m doing just to keep in touch and let people know that I’m alive. I’m usually quite a wordy person. I guess that’s why I actually have to set time aside to type up posts. Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Voila. A thousand words in 30 seconds!

Off I go to work on orders…