Archive | May 2011

An entry from a computer? Really?

I don’t know how often people swing by here. But if you have before and you notice some changes… Yep, that means that Ky was able to get to an actual computer rather than update everything on the iPhone.

I was exercising a bit of my cyber creative muscle earlier. I will be adding more as more computer time is alloted. I have a LOT of links I’d like to share, but of course they’re on my phone. I’m also trying to get this blog hooked up to my Facebook account. I have such limited time on a computer though that I usually get started on something and then get distracted by surfing! Oh, the things I could do if I had more time on the net… I actually know HTML and the like, so I am capable of making things pretty. But ya know… The time will come though!

Well, I’m off again.

WTH? Green Fetish?

Yesterday after I said goodbye to my baby boy, I went to get my pity deep-fried Mars bar. I was talking to the bestie and we started talking about creative outlets, particularly for children. My little man is going to require various outlets, so I try to get as many different ideas from as many different sources as possible. She mentioned that the drug store here in town had finger paints on sale. So I decided to get some.

I grabbed it and walked around for a bit. I walked past the nail polish and saw this crazy green. I thought to myself “Who would wear this colour?!” The immediate answer I got was “14 year old me is who would wear that! In fact, I have skating spandex that would match it nicely!” I chuckled to myself and walked to the checkout. The ladies were taking forever, so I decided to walk around the store to see if I missed anything. I walked past the nail polish again. This time I picked it up. I’m still not sure why.

One thing that ended up being cool…


I thought that was so cool. I may start requiring matching yarn and nail polish 😀 Hehehe

John Deere Patches

I completed the patchwork part of my niece’s quilt. Each patch is different. I plan on having the 9 patch and an equally sized John Deere patch with sashing made of the same fabric as the backing. I think it’s going to look pretty cool. I know my niece is going to love it, so that’s all that counts 🙂


Jordyn’s Quilt

I started my niece’s birthday quilt today. I won’t have it finished by her party, but I don’t think it’s unrealistic to have the top done 🙂


I still owe my brother and sister-in-law a wedding quilt. But the right one hasn’t jumped out at me yet. It’s funny how I used to roll my eyes when people talked about artists’ methods and inspiration. Now I get it lol

Play time :-D

I saw a bracelet that another fibre artist did that really inspired me. I liked the fact that it was thicker and adjustable. So I decided to make my own version.

This peacock blue roving is really talking to me. It was my first book cover and now my first bracelet. For some reason, any of my great brain waves involves this colour.

I got out the embroidery thread and played around a bit too. I have an amazing book that shows a lot of different stitches, but I’m not quite sure where it got to. I bet there’s an app for that though… For the stitches and possibly for finding my book! Lol

Anyway, I’m almost done this one except for reinforcing the eyelets and threading a ribbon through them to attach it to my not-so-dainty wrist. I’d like to get metal eyelets but they didn’t have any here in town. That’ll be for the next one. Unless this one works 😉

So here we are…



Cuz I “felt” like it!

I just had to add a couple new categories to my blog 😀

So it all started last Thursday. Darby Bayly was teaching our class that day at Sew Resourceful. (On a side note… That woman has inspired me, taught me and encouraged me so much! She was the one who lit the match that got me fired up to investigate the Fibre Arts course in the first place!!) She taught us how to felt and do patchwork. I learned the patchwork piece during the pilot, but it was wonderful to have a refresher.

I KNEW that I would enjoy felting. I had no idea what the process was until about a month ago at Fleming’s open house. As soon as I saw it, I wanted to know more. I held back though because I knew it would be revealed to me when the time was right. And apparently that was Thursday 🙂

I’ve had felting on the brain ever since. I had a book cover envisioned and it just wouldn’t leave me alone. Finally, I went to Haliburton to get some supplies. That wasn’t enough.

Today I decided I wanted to try my hand at dyeing. So I sent Normy out to get some Koolaid (I played the Mother’s Day “card” hehehe). Now I’m just waiting for the damn stuff to dry. OMG, hurry up!!!!

I did two book covers. I have another one that I’m going to start tonight. I will be a responsible girl and get back on the knitting track tomorrow. I figured that if I got the covers started, I could just pick up where I left off when I’m ready.

I can’t quite figure out what the appeal is. I think it’s like popping bubble wrap, only productive.


Book cover in process 1


Book cover in process 2


My first attempt at dyeing

A preschooler, knitting needles and a baby blanket

Today my three year old son wanted to help me knit. So I let him climb onto my knee, helped him position his hands on the needles and he helped me hold on to them. I explained to him what I was doing as I was knitting. I’m sure it was all over his head, but you never know when the day will come when it sticks. And if you don’t take the time to talk about what you’re doing, especially when they’re interested, they won’t have a clue. He may never want to knit on his own. But if he’s going to show an interest in what I do, I will gladly share it with him. Also, who am I to judge how long it’s going to take him to pick it up? He could be ready for needles in a couple of months for all I know!

And then there was the part where I experienced Heaven on Earth 🙂 I love my little man with ALL my heart. I’m rather fond of knitting too. To have my baby boy on my knee asking questions about knitting while I’m doing it… Pure bliss!



This blanket is knitting up rather nicely. Taking a breather before the next tractor sweater 🙂

And we’re done with sweater 1

After some unexpected events over the past week, I was able to finish the sweater and deliver it this morning. It brings me such joy and excitement when I can use my skills to bring people joy and excitement and making gifts from the heart for them to give.
