Tag Archive | upcyling

Score One for Mother Earth – Plastic Bags With Purpose

I seem to be on a roll with moving forward in my life. I’m tying up loose ends, getting some of the closure I’ve been seeking for a very long time. So since I’m on a roll, why not take this exciting energy and do something I’ve talked about doing for a long time? Today I’m preparing to spin yarn (or “plarn”) from plastic bags.

I have a whole bunch of milk bags that I’ve been collecting, so I’m going to start there. I doubt I’ll get to spinning it today, but I am going to be cutting the bags up.


I am going to ply it with something. What that something is, I’m unclear of at this point. I have a few ideas. I’ll know better when I get the plastic portion spun up.

Score one for Mother Earth!

UPDATE: Two hours later…


A Quiet Day

For me, discovering something with spinning is like eating chocolate. You know, the stuff you get at Easter. Oh, and we can’t forget that velvety stuff found in Kawartha Dairy’s Moosetracks ice cream. It is just so darn delicious. I savour it, enjoy it, prolong it. And then the sugar rush kicks in. I bounce around for awhile and then I end up crashing, content with a huge smile on my face.

That’s what happened to me last night after I spun that denim yesterday. I’ve also been helping Mom out for the past three weeks (she had radiation), so I haven’t spent a whole lot of time at home. My couch and DVD set of Golden Girls were very appealing today. My kitty, Charchar, also felt that I needed to make up for lost snuggling time.

I did manage to knit up some of the stuff I spun yesterday. I think I’m going to make it into a purse. I’m going to have to spin some more because there wasn’t enough of what I did spin. I think I’m going to line the purse too and perhaps put a little pocket in it. I don’t know when the assembly part will take place though because the upcoming week is filled with wrapping up loose ends. I think Thursday afternoon will be the soonest I could get to it *sigh*


I have to say that I am totally in love with this yarn (I guess it’s yarn, right?). One thing I will say about it is that it didn’t work very well on the crochet hook. But with that said, I’m also one to avoid working with eyelash/novelty yarns in crocheting. So if one could handle those, this yarn would work. I ended up getting the knitting needles out and it was a lot more pleasant to work with.

I decided to try crocheting some dishcloths. My knitted ones are a big hit, but in all honesty, I lose money on them. I’m an experienced knitter and it takes me from an hour and a half to 3 hours to make one dishcloth. Unless somebody wanted to pay $35 for a dishcloth, I’m not even getting minimum wage and covering my material. I have made them for those close to me, but it’s certainly not something I’m planning on stocking in my inventory. I know that I can crochet a lot more efficiently than knitting them, so I figured I would give it a try. I didn’t time myself too closely (I’m just chillin’ today), but I do know they work up a lot quicker than the knitted ones. Now to take them for a test drive. I have a feeling these ones will actually work better than the knitted ones. And I hope I can make them faster too.


As I mentioned earlier, I have a busy week coming up. Of course I’ll still be working away, but I don’t know how much posting I’ll get to do. I’ve been enjoying updating my blog because it’s a great way for me to keep track of my productivity. I’m done with those days where I’ve worked my butt off and don’t think I accomplished anything. From now on when I feel like that, I’m going to take pictures of what I did that day and post them!

A New Spin on Old Jeans

After much discussion about wanting to do this, I dove in today. I picked up a pair of legs cut off from some jeans that were turned into a purse and cut them into spin-able material. I spun it and then I plied it with commercial yarn. This is what I got:


I don’t usually pat myself on the back, but I actually broke into a full-blown happy dance with the result of this experiment!!!! I have this crazy love of denim and I’ve been collecting jeans for a couple of years now. I guess I know what I’m going to be doing! hehehe

The picture below is “The Colour of Happy” plied with some blue. I did this on the fast flyer. I was pretty excited about it too (until I spun the denim LOL) I still love this though and I’d love to see what it looks like worked up.
