Day 6 – A Brand New Chapter

I have made the executive decision of writing down only the events of the day I wish to remember. I have released the rest of them. Today I will always remember it as the day a LARGE amount of negativity left my body and a new, positive energy came in IMMEDIATELY to replace that emptiness. It’s like a feeling of home. Like I actually got to witness part of my own healing today. I am so thankful that it was a very positive energy that jumped in.

I spun for the first time EVER.

With a wheel and a drop spindle. There were actually two spinning wheels in class. One had one pedal and the other one, Wendy’s own spinning wheel, had 2. I figured the 2 pedals would be confusing. Not at all! When I sat down at it, I just melted into it. I showed Wendy my samples of what I had spun. She said that they were pretty good for a first try (she also mentioned that she wished she had have kept her first ones. I am SO keeping mine because this is just the beginning of something so beautiful for me). The very first wool I worked with was the stuff that I had dyed on Mother’s day. I cannot put into words how that felt… To spin wool I had dyed and hand carded (which she also complimented me on!). I am really excited about the way it feels to knit with it. And then to see it being used by a happy recipient. That is absolute bliss!

We’re going to be weaving on Friday. We also have class on Saturday this week. I am very grateful for that. And then the next weekend is birthday weekend. Looking forward to Chinese food and chocolate cake. The real chocolate cake, not the generic, flavorless stuff at the buffet. Just saying…

5 thoughts on “Day 6 – A Brand New Chapter

  1. Please put up some pictures so we can all SEE!

    I have a kit in a closet somewhere in this house that contains wool roving, and some dradle-looking thing that you dangle to spin with. I need to dig that out and give it a look-see. Sounds like you are having the time of your life. Patsye

    • I have put pictures up πŸ™‚ Thank you for the reminder Patsye! I’m so focused on the writing part, that the pictures really didn’t occur to me. I know I would probably end up kicking myself if I didn’t document that portion of this experience either!

      Ah yes, it sounds like you have a spindle on your hands. I tried the hand spinning, but I have to admit I wasn’t much of a fan. So that means it’s a challenge that will probably be added to my list of things to conquer! LOL I have discovered that pencil roving is the way to go when you’re first starting out. It is mildly cheating and I wouldn’t want to use it exclusively, but it does give you an idea of the amount and texture of the wool you ultimately want to work with.

  2. Pingback: Spinning: Two years later | Keep Me In Stitchez: The Blog

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